Friday, May 1, 2015

Non-Core Policing – A Case Study

City of London

In 1988, London’s municipal by-law enforcement and parking department was challenged toreduce the escalating costs associated with its operation – human resources, departmentalvehicle maintenance, training, etc. At the same time, they were asked to increase revenuefrom the city’s parking lots and meters and accommodate a growing population withoutcompromising service.

Commissionaires already had a long-standing history of providing security guards to the Cityand were well-positioned to assist the by-law enforcement detachment.

Commissionaires won the contract in1988, initially providing five personnel working shifts six days per week.  In the early days, enforcement was limited to shopping malls, residential complexes, fire routes and handicapped zones.

“Now, years later, we use 20 Commissionaires 24 hours/day almost 7 days a week,” says Annette Drost, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services, Parking and Licensing Department & Compliance Services.

“Commissionaires enforce 70 by-laws from expired parking meters, handicap parking violations, and coverage for  municipal parking lots to  name a few.  We also have a private property program with businesses to ensure that parked vehicles on their premises are there legitimately and not for other areas such as the college,” states Drost.

Day and night, Commissionaires walk beats or patrol streets in their vehicles.  They bring tickets issued to the City office every morning, then validate and file them after first electronically downloading them to the City’s system.

“Commissionaires will also attend at court if there is a dispute or a trial.  They identify themselves and their role, give evidence of the infraction and are cross examined before a judge gives a verdict,” says Drost

Drost says services provided by Commissionaires have been extremely cost-effective andrevenue brought in from ticket generation has increased.

“I’ve found that Commissionaires are highly professional and exceed my expectations.  You see the difference with Commissionaires.  They’re responsive and very well trained.” 

Annette Drost - Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services, Parking and Licensing Department & Compliance Services, City of London

Commissionaires use their vehicles while on patrol, which also helps save money for the Cityby eliminating vehicle maintenance costs.  Additionally, costs associated with payroll andtraining are reduced, as Commissionaires perform those functions already.

Drost says internal feedback on Commissionaires has been very good.  “Everyone enjoysworking with them.  They’ve become our colleagues – part of the team.” she says.“It’s a real win-win,” says Drost.

“Commissionaires have high standards, being ex-military. They are meticulous, professional and thorough.”

Annette Drost - Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services, Parking and Licensing Department & Compliance Services, City of London

The long history of City-wide services delivered by Commissionaires is strong and the solidworking relationship with the City of London staff and residents continues, 27 years after itfirst began. Drost believes that’s a strong foundation to build on.  She says budget constraintsare always a reality and the search for efficiencies will always be a part of business, possiblyresulting in additional opportunities for Commissionaires with the City of London.

“Good customer service.  Responsive and reliable.  We couldn’t do our work without them,”says Drost.

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